博彩网址大全是我们住宿学生的家, 也是通勤者的家外之家, 教师, 和工作人员. Campus services like the Carthage shuttle and mailroom make life at Carthage even easier 和更多的 fun.

(看看这个列表中遗漏了什么? 电子邮件 bridge@chickenlaststop.com.)


Carthage is proud to partner with 弹弓 as the College’s textbook and campus bookstore provider. 找到你的课本, 购买课堂用品, and grab your Carthage swag at the campus bookstore located in the Campbell Student Union.



Carthage offers free shuttle rides to different campus facilities and off-campus parking lots during the school year. 我们的班车服务为学生提供可靠的交通工具, 教师, 工作人员, 客人也能去他们该去的地方! 关于校园班车服务的问题? 联系 公共安全办公室 电话:262-551-5911或 publicsafety@chickenlaststop.com.



博彩网址大全学院的收发室协助教职员工, 工作人员, 还有接收和运送邮件和包裹的学生, 还有印刷, 传真, 小册子绑定, 和更多的.




周一至周五:早上7点.m.-3:30 p.m.
Please note: These hours are for the school year only; mailroom hours change during the summer and breaks.


博彩网址大全校园收发室 262-551-5711.


  • U.S. 邮件服务——你可以把私人邮件送到收发室.
  • UPS (United Parcel Service) — You may have personal packages delivered to the mailroom, 以及通过UPS发送包裹.
  • 传真(1美元.00 /页.S.(国际版每页3美元)
  • 个人副本(见下面的费用)
  • 小册子装订——用软皮卡纸装订你的论文.
  • 有博彩网址大全信笺和信封
  • 大包订书机可用
  • 制作宣传册的折页机
  • 名片订单
  • 名牌订单

信封 & 邮票

博彩网址大全烙印的信封可以在收发室购买. 有#10、A6、6x9、9x12和10x13尺寸可供选择. 价格不等.

Business Reply Envelopes (BREs) with custom codes may also be ordered through the mailroom. 请电邮至 mrprintreqs@chickenlaststop.com 请求这些.

我们在收发室不卖普通信封或邮票. 你可以在书店里买到这些,也可以买到衬垫信封.


博彩网址大全教职员工可以通过收发室订购名片. 定价如下:

100张名片 $40.85
250张名片 $45.15
500张名片 $50.53
1000张名片 $66.65
2000张名片 $88.15




  • 大(3.5英寸宽,2英寸高)- 6美元
  • 小(3英寸宽1英寸高)- $5


副本 & 定价

教职员工可通过填写表格索取副本 此在线打印申请表 或者发送打印请求到 mrprintreqs@chickenlaststop.com. We ask that you allow 24 hours (Monday-Friday) for completion of a copy request. Please note: 收发室需要知道你的帐号和部门名称.

所有大小和颜色的债券纸- $0.第一页5美元,0美元.05背面
牛皮纸8-1/2 “ × 11 ” - $0.第一页5美元,0美元.05背面
盖股票白色8-1/2“乘11”- $0.第一页5美元,0美元.05背面
封面库存彩色纸8-1/2“乘11”- $0.第一页5美元,0美元.05背面

数字彩色复制白色8-1/2“乘11”- $0.第一页10元,0元.05背面
数字彩色副本11“× 17”- $0.第一页15美元,0美元.05背面
数字彩色副本11“× 17”卡- $0.第一页20美元,0美元.05背面
C1S光泽12“× 18”- $0.第一页25美元,0美元.05背面


Payment for mailroom services is by cash or check or departmental charge (for 教师/工作人员). 收发室需要知道你的帐号和部门名称.





周一至周五:上午10点.m.-7 p.m.
星期六:上午9点.m.-2 p.m.

*These hours are subject to change and there will be times where the mailroom window may be closed during large shipments and for disinfecting/cleaning.


学生邮件收发室: 262-551-5753 or studentmailroom@chickenlaststop.com
校园邮件收发室: 262-551-5711


The 学生邮件收发室 in the 托德·威尔中心(TWC) includes secure mail lockers and a mailroom window. 学生可以在TWC正常运作时间使用储物柜. Students will have only until the end of each semester to retrieve their letters and packages as the student mailroom has limited space.

为了加快学生收到包裹的过程, 实施包裹礼宾系统. 每当学生收到包裹, 收发室的员工会把包裹放入系统. 如果包太大,这并不总是可能的, 易腐烂的, 该学生未建立包裹礼宾账户, 或者如果储物柜里没有空间了, 学生将收到一封来自学生收发室的电子邮件. Letters and magazines also go directly to the student mailroom and will not typically be placed in the package concierge system.

When the student receives notification that the student mailroom has their package or letter, 他们可以在营业时间到窗口来, 告诉工作人员自己的名字并出示学生证. Please tell the person working whether the email stated that you had a package, a letter, or both. 然后,该员工将取回包裹或信件. 如果是包裹,学生将被要求签收.

If you are unable to pick up your packages or mail from the student mailroom, 你可以派一个朋友来帮你取. 为了做到这一点,学生需要发送电子邮件到 studentmailroom@chickenlaststop.com stating that they have an item in the mailroom and that they are authorizing their friend (including friends first and last name) to pick up the package/letter in their place. The friend will have to show their ID and let the employee know whose packages they are picking up and signing for.

If the student receives an email that their package has been placed in the Package Concierge System, 该电子邮件将包含条形码和学生的用户名. 当学生从储物柜取回包裹时, they can either enter their username or scan the barcode (NOT their Student ID) provided by the email. 然后系统会提示用户输入密码. 大约在学年开始的时候, the student will get an email from the Package Concierge system with a link, prompting them to establish a pin that they can use to retrieve their packages. 一旦学生输入密码, 一个储物柜会打开, 他们可以把包裹从储物柜里拿出来. 一旦储物柜完全清空, 因为一个人的储物柜里可能有不止一个包裹, 关上门,按下kiosk屏幕上的“注销”按钮.

如果学生没有收到建立帐户的电子邮件, they should reach out or stop by the student mailroom and we can help set one up.

We encourage students to provide a forwarding address to the student mailroom before their first extended break (i.e. 寒假或暑假). 如果学生在假期收到邮件, 而且上面的邮资是正确的, 可以转发给学生. 邮件也可以根据要求保留到下学期. 如果学生没有提供转发地址, the student mailroom may reach out so that the student can get their mail before they return to campus.

Providing a forwarding address to the student mailroom is especially important once students graduate, 或者如果他们成为通勤者. If a student fails to provide a forwarding address or does not respond to the student mailroom as to what they would like done with their mail, 他们的包裹/信件可能会被退回给原来的寄件人.

我们也鼓励学生, 尤其是在毕业时, to change their forwarding address with USPS and businesses that send mail to campus so they may get their mail in a timely manner to the correct address.


The 学生邮件收发室 in the Todd Wehr Center has an Amazon locker for shipments from Amazon. Our Amazon Hub Locker, “Phil” is one option a student can choose to send their packages too. Amazon employees deliver directly to this locker and no packages placed inside are processed through the student or campus mailrooms.

不是所有的包裹都能送到寄存柜, 取决于储物柜系统的大小和可用性. 然而, students who utilize Phil may find that shipping speeds are sometimes quicker, 尽管情况并非总是如此.

一旦包裹被亚马逊放入菲尔储物柜, the account holder will receive a notification with the pin that they can use to retrieve their package from the yellow lockers.

To use Phil, the person ordering will need to select Phil as the shipping address. This can either be done through the “Your Addresses” tab and selecting “Add Address” > find an Amazon pickup location. This can also be done in the checkout process when adding a shipping address.

Though Phil is a convenient way to ship Amazon packages to campus, it is not the only way. Packages can be addressed like normal, and they will be processed through the student mailroom.


Students can mail packages by visiting the campus mailroom, located in the 设施建设. Letters can be put in the USPS blue mailbox that is located on Campus Drive in front of Tarble Hall.


All packages and letters to students should be addressed in the following way:


如果您有任何问题或疑虑,请与我们联系 studentmailroom@chickenlaststop.com,或者在收发室窗口停下来问一下员工. They will try their best to assist you with any questions or issues you may have.